rqt cpp plugin won't load
I've been attempting to create a cpp plugin for rqt and am having trouble. I managed to create a base plugin and in trying to get ros messages to the plugin, my callback never gets called. That being said, I decided to go back to the tutorial (tried to post a link to it but failed) and build the complete basic plugin from scratch and just add a subscriber. Upon doing that I cannot get rqt to load the plugin. It shows in the plugins list but is not clickable (suggests I need to build it). I copied the code verbatim from the tutorial (although not positive if the CMakeLists.txt I did is correct or not) and it builds a library file. I'd really like to make the sample tutorial work as I'm not certain how my other plugin is working but the sample isn't. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
Update: So we found the issue, apparently the rqt_gui cpp architecture is not calling any kind of rosspin() so that's why the callback isn't happening. Does this mean any C++ based rqt plugin will have to handle and thread its own rosspin()?
What OS, version of ROS (Fuerte/Groovy etc.) btw?
It's Ubuntu 12.04 and Fuerte.