Navigation using real time generate map without a known map
I know this should be possible but at the point of using AMCL. I don`t know what to do as AMCL does not have a tutorial with no known map. Right now in the robot configuration.launch
<node pkg="hokuyo_node" type="hokuyo_node" name="hokuyo_node" output="screen"> </node>
<node pkg="laser_scan_matcher" type="laser_scan_matcher_node" name="laser_scan_matcher_node" output="screen"> </node>
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="laser_link" args="0.0 0.0 0.10 0.0 0.0 0.0 /base_link /laser 40"/>
<node pkg="gmapping" type="slam_gmapping" name="gmapping" output="screen" >="" <param="" name="odom_frame" value="/world"/> </node>
**A map generated, and current laser scan data can be seen in the rviz. Then I follows navigation tutorial to write configuration for navigation stack
the other yaml file are all the same except that at global_costmap_params.yaml static_map is set to false
amcl_diff.launch is similiar to the one found in drh-robotics-ros - Revision 108: /trunk/ros/ardros/launch
But I got problem for the last part move_base.launch map server is need to run navigation stack which operates on the known map
This part specific ask a known map for processing where as I need it to use the /map generated by slam_gmapping. And I`ll need it to be real time.
I know I have to change <node name="map_server" pkg="map_server" type="map_server" args="$(find my_map_package)/my_map.pgm my_map_resolution"/>
to a real time map generated by slam_gmapping. But I dont know how to do it as there wasn
t much info out of here amcl/Tutorials
Does any one knows how to do it? How to modify the last move_base.launch to read real time map data?