Get forward kinematics tutorial failed
I've tried this tutorial
But the service call failed, and I got the following error on the terminal where I ran [ roslaunch pr2_3dnav right_arm_navigation.launch ]:
[ERROR] [1354979145.382429702, 11715.590000000]: client wants service /pr2_right_arm_kinematics/get_fk to have md5sum 47de11a2bc125445e74531db0e2d1c21, but it has 2088007c8963e2252a67c872affa0985. Dropping connection.
If I do [ rosrun pr2_arm_navigation_tutorials get_fk ], the service call will succeed and get the correct result. But if I copy and paste the same code and run from my own package, it gets the above problem.
I'm using Fuerte.
Any idea? Thanks~
files that contain md5 [47de11a2bc125445e74531db0e2d1c21]: