MoveIt! groovy symbol lookup error (KDL plugin)
If I generate a arm motion planning package as described in the setup assistant tutorial and try to start things according to the rviz plugin tutorial:
roslaunch move_group.launch
I get the following:
/opt/ros/groovy/lib/moveit_ros_move_group/move_group_action_server: symbol lookup error: /opt/ros/groovy/lib// undefined symbol: _ZN10kdl_parser17treeFromUrdfModelERKN4urdf14ModelInterfaceERN3KDL4TreeE
[move_group-1] process has died [pid 15385, exit code 127, cmd /opt/ros/groovy/lib/moveit_ros_move_group/move_group_action_server __name:=move_group __log:=/home/kohlbrecher/.ros/log/6d4c5a32-54cc-11e2-abe3-9439e59a9133/move_group-1.log].
log file: /home/kohlbrecher/.ros/log/6d4c5a32-54cc-11e2-abe3-9439e59a9133/move_group-1*.log
This is on Ubuntu 12.04/64bit with Groovy and MoveIt! installed from .deb packages. Any hints on how to make things work are greatly appreciated.
On a related note, the links to issue trackers on the MoveIt! website are all down, it would be helpful if they work.
Also, what is the general state of MoveIt! at the moment? There was a disclaimer on the website with a warning that it will be released with groovy which disappeared now. OTOH there hasn't been a public announcement yet and the partly outdated tutorials and dead links on the website also look more like things are still in development.