catkin_make error in Groovy
I recently installed groovy and I am trying to configure my installation, I have sourced the setup.bash file however when trying to configure my catkin workspace gives me error. When I try catkin_make inside catkin_ws, I get the following error;
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ros/groovy/bin/catkin_make", line 19, in <module>
from catkin.init_workspace import init_workspace
ImportError: No module named init_workspace
Any help folks ? If rosbuild was available on groovy - I guess I would have gladly used that.
By the way a lot of packages are still using rosbuild in groovy.
@Dirk Thomas So ! catkin is not essential for groovy -- I CAN use rosbuild ?
Yes, rosbuild works fine with groovy.
@joq Thank you !