groovy OSX install fails building opencv2 because LONG_BIT definition appears wrong for platform
Following the instructions at
I run
./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install
But it fails. greping the logs yeilds
Building CXX object modules/python/CMakeFiles/opencv_python.dir/src2/cv2.cpp.o
modules/core/doc/old_basic_structures In file included from /Users/nchalko/ros_catkin_ws/src/opencv2/modules/python/src2/cv2.cpp:1:
In file included from /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers/Python.h:55:
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers/pyport.h:616:2: error: "LONG_BIT definition appears wrong for platform (bad gcc/glibc config?)."
#error "LONG_BIT definition appears wrong for platform (bad gcc/glibc config?)."
I played with building opencv by hand but never got only got it to work by not building the python part.
brew install opencv
works fine
I am running OS X 10.8.2 (12C60) And using xcode Version 4.5.2 (4G2008a)
I am stuck. my pthyon + cmake foo is too weak to know were to start.
So how can I get groovy to install opencv2 on my mac.