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side by side installation fuerte and groovy

asked 2013-01-08 07:56:49 -0500

scheme_bad gravatar image


  1. I am curious if I can install ROS fuerte and groovy side by side?
  2. Are there any configuration files etc. that risk being overwritten and causing problems?
  3. Should I be aware of anything specific prior to using two different installs together?
  4. Or is it fine to run the setup scripts in the shell depending on which one you wish to run and start using that version?

Thanks. -- Joe

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1 Answer

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answered 2013-01-08 10:16:58 -0500

KruseT gravatar image

No problem for that under Ubuntu, they install to /opt/ros/fuerte and /opt/ros/groovy respectively, on purpose.

With two distros, it is usually safest to not source any in your .bashrc, but to source the respective per terminal, and not switch during that session. generally switching can work, but there can be undesired side-effects.

Also for writing your custom code, it is also safer to have separate source files (workspaces), unless you know well what you are doing.

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Asked: 2013-01-08 07:56:49 -0500

Seen: 600 times

Last updated: Jan 08 '13