Gazebo SDF model loading in Groovy
I have a correct Gazebo 1.2 (model), slightly modified from the (Gazebo tutorial). If that model with it's manifest.xml is in ~/.gazebo/models, then Gazebo of ROS can see and load this model.
Now I would like to load this model with the spawn_model script of ROS gazebo package.
I have tried this command:
rosrun gazebo spawn_model -gazebo -file /home/ronald/catkin_ws/src/gazebo_heightmap/Media/models/robot1/model.sdf -model myrobot
and tried with this launch file
<param name="robot_model" textfile="$(find gazebo_heightmap)/Media/models/robot1/model.sdf" />
<node name="spawn_robot1" pkg="gazebo" type="spawn_model" args="-gazebo -param robot_model -model myrobot" respawn="false" output="screen" />
In both cases, Gazebo node gives error messages
Error [] XML Element[origin], child of element[model] not defined in SDF. Ignoring.[model]
Error [] Error reading element <model>
Error [] Unable to read element <gazebo>
Error: Could not find the 'robot' element in the xml file
at line 61 in /tmp/buildd/ros-groovy-urdfdom-0.2.6-1precise-20121225-1343/urdf_parser/src/model.cpp
Error [] Unable to call parseURDF on robot model
Warning [] Gazebo SDF has no <gazebo> element in file[urdf string]
Error [] parse as old urdf model file failed.
Error [] Unable to read sdf string
To me it seems that the model description files must be different to load it with spawn_model, but how?
Update: The model does not contain <origin> element, as suggested. The model also loads if it is included in a world description file. Just the spawn_model does not work.
Starting since Sep 2012, all
related questions should be asked on newgazebo
specific QA community. Thank you for your cooperation!See also this thread.
I keep, however, the thread open since the discussion has already been going on.
But Gazebo can load this model easily, it seems just the spawn_model node that can't load the model. Isn't this node part of ROS?
Personally I agree with you. But the developers of Gazebo want all Qs to move to the new QA site. Please see the link I cited.