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blob tracking in usb_cam?

asked 2013-01-14 15:37:25 -0500

KM6VV gravatar image

updated 2013-01-14 15:38:13 -0500

How do I do blob tracking in usb_cam?

I loaded usb_cam package in the bosch_drivers, and followed Pharos test bed

to try it out. I got the video window OK!

I saw another cam package on Pharos mention blob tracking (launch looks similar). Where is documentation on how to do blob tracking on usb_cam?

Thanks, Alan

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1 Answer

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answered 2013-01-15 03:34:46 -0500

davinci gravatar image

On which page on the pharos wiki you saw the blob tracking? The usb_cam outputs a video stream on /usb_cam/image_raw. You should change the blob tracker to look at this videostream.

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The page is: It's another package, cmvision. Are these drivers, and another package (transport?) gets called to do the blob detection? I didn't see cmvision example doing the blob detection, for that matte

KM6VV gravatar image KM6VV  ( 2013-01-15 14:09:40 -0500 )edit

You can just roslaunch that file and it will start your webcam and the blob tracking. Documentation is here:

davinci gravatar image davinci  ( 2013-01-15 22:00:13 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2013-01-14 15:37:25 -0500

Seen: 560 times

Last updated: Jan 15 '13