cannot find custom message groovy
Hello, everyone,
I'm working to define a custom message in ROS Groovy. I've followed the tutorial and updated my CMakeLists to innclude a custom message with the following changes in my package:
7 find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp rospy std_msgs message_generation)
19 add_message_files(
21 data_logger_measurement.msg
22 )
32 generate_messages(
34 std_msgs
35 )
44 catkin_package(
45 INCLUDE_DIRS include
46 # LIBRARIES tempSensorInterface
47 CATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp rospy std_msgs message_generation
48 DEPENDS system_lib message_runtime
49 )
I've also created a msg directory and placed the following data_logger_measurement.msg file in that directory:
Header header
float32 pressure # [C]
float32 temperature # [kPa]
(This msg is in the same package as my executable that I'm creating.)
unfortunately, when my executable includes this message with:
and when I call "make" in my build folder, I get a message that there's
No such file or directory
Am I missing another step that creates such a header file in groovy? Thanks for lending a hand on this problem!