Missing colladadom - Ros groovy source compilation on archlinux
I have been trying to install Ros for the past 3 days. I couldnt compile the collada-parser because of it i couldnt compile other packages too..urdf all..
The error is mainly related to colladadom package which was previously present in robot_model fuerte was not available in the repo now.
I also tried compiling the colladadom package from their website. But I couldnt compile that packages too because some boost library version issues..
And I also have the problem of compiling PCL & opencv .. But I have both the libraries compiled from their sources. So I deleted those stacks.
I dont want to clutter the post by pasting any errors.
Has anyone successfully compiled the ros_groovy on archlinux? Can it be or not? I mean the desktop version or robot version.not the bare_bones one,
I'm attempting to compile groovy from sources on a Pandaboard. I'm trying with the mobile variant.
PCL I just moved out from the sources, I'm not sure I need that. Collada was missing dae.h, I sourced it from the fuerte install I have on my laptop.
Which variant are you trying to install?