Joy node doesn't work well [closed]
Hi everybody!
I am trying to use an Xbox joystick with the joy node in a virtual machine. Although I've checked the correct joystick signals reception as shown in (link text) with sudo jstest /dev/input/js1
; I've changed correctly the permissions; and I've set the ros param to the correct device (js1), but the node has problems to publish the data.
If I run the test as the tutorial tells, it takes some minutes before the first rostopic echo /joy
received. Once I receive the echo, the values seems to be correct.
This problem increases when I launch that joy node with a several other nodes, in that case, I never get the echo response of the /joy topic.
I am running Ubuntu 12.04LTS with ROS fuerte on a virtual machine using VirtualBox, and It doesn't seems to have any processor, I/O, or RAM problems (I run it together with Gazebo, rviz, etc.).
Thank you!
When you say it doesn't seem to have any processor, I/O or RAM problems, you mean nothing else is slow? If all that is happening is the /joy topic takes long to get published to, I would assume it is a problem of hardware virtualization and/or excessive swapping. Could you try it outside the VM?
Testing the joystick with a test like "jstest", running on the virtual machine, everything works fine. Using ROS, everything seems to work fine, even gazebo and graphic rendering programs. The problem starts using /joy node. (Other nodes or programs work fine running at the same time than /joy).