Robovero DAC output [closed]

asked 2013-01-26 07:32:53 -0600

AdrianPeng gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:14:59 -0600

ngrennan gravatar image

Does anyone know how to ouput analog signal with DAC of Robovero which is a LPC1769 microcontroller board for robotics applications? This is the dac python library of Robovero:

from internals import robocaller, cstruct
__copyright__ =   "Copyright 2011, Gumstix Inc"
__license__ =     "BSD 2-Clause"
__version__ =     "0.1"
def DAC_VALUE(n):
  '''After the selected settling time after this field is written with a new 
  VALUE, the voltage on the AOUT pin (with respect to VSSA) is VALUE/1024 ×     VREF. 

  return (((n&0x3FF)<<6))
# If this bit = 0: The settling time of the DAC is 1 microsecond max,
# and the maximum current is 700 microAmpere
# If this bit = 1: The settling time of the DAC is 2.5 microsecond
# and the maximum current is 350 microAmpere
DAC_BIAS_EN = ((1<<16))
  '''Value to reload interrupt DMA counter.
  return ((n&0xffff))
# DCAR double buffering
DAC_DBLBUF_ENA = ((1<<1))
# DCAR Time out count enable
DAC_CNT_ENA = ((1<<2))
# DCAR DMA access
DAC_DMA_ENA = ((1<<3))
# DCAR DACCTRL mask bit
def PARAM_DACx(n):
  '''Macro to determine if it is valid DAC peripheral.
  return ((n)==(LPC_DAC))
  '''Macro to check DAC current optional parameter.
  return ((OPTION == DAC_MAX_CURRENT_700uA) or (OPTION ==         DAC_MAX_CURRENT_350uA))
class DAC_CONVERTER_CFG_Type(cstruct):
  '''Configuration for DAC converter control register.
  DBLBUF_ENA: 0: Disable DACR double buffering
              1: when bit CNT_ENA, enable DACR double buffering feature
  CNT_ENA:  0: Time out counter is disable
            1: Time out conter is enable
  DMA_ENA:  0: DMA access is disable
            1: DMA burst request
  '''Current option in DAC configuration option.
  # The settling time of the DAC is 1 us max and the maximum current is 700 uA
  # The settling time of the DAC is 2.5 us and the maximum current is 350 uA
def DAC_SetBias(DACx, bias):
  '''Set Maximum current for DAC.
  DACx: pointer to LPC_DAC_TypeDef, should be: LPC_DAC
  bias: 0 is 700 uA
        1 is 350 uA
  return robocaller("DAC_SetBias", "void", DACx, bias)
def DAC_ConfigDAConverterControl(DACx, DAC_ConverterConfigStruct):
  '''To enable the DMA operation and control DMA timer.
  DACx: pointer to LPC_DAC_TypeDef, should be: LPC_DAC
  DAC_ConverterConfigStruct: pointer to DAC_CONVERTER_CFG_Type
  return robocaller("DAC_ConfigDAConverterControl", "void", DACx,     DAC_ConverterConfigStruct)
def DAC_UpdateValue(DACx, dac_value):
  '''Update value to DAC.
  DACx: pointer to LPC_DAC_TypeDef, should be: LPC_DAC
  dac_value: value 10 bit to be converted to output
  return robocaller("DAC_UpdateValue", "void", DACx, dac_value)
def DAC_Init(DACx):
  '''Initial ADC configuration. Maximum  current is 700 uA, Value to AOUT is 0.
  DACx: pointer to LPC_DAC_TypeDef, should be: LPC_DAC
  return robocaller("DAC_Init", "void", DACx)
def DAC_SetDMATimeOut(DACx, time_out):
  '''Set reload value for interrupt/DMA counter.
  DACx: pointer to LPC_DAC_TypeDef, should be: LPC_DAC
  time_out: time out to reload for interrupt/DMA counter
  return robocaller("DAC_SetDMATimeOut", "void", DACx, time_out)

And this is my python code:

from robovero.extras import roboveroConfig
from robovero.LPC17xx import LPC_DAC
from robovero.lpc17xx_dac import DAC_VALUE, DAC_UpdateValue, DAC_Init
from time import sleep
  while True:
    DAC_UpdateValue(LPC_DAC, 500)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
  exit("\nkeyboard interrupt: how rude!")

When I run my python code, the Robovero was simply halted. I guess I wrongly ... (more)

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Closed for the following reason question is off-topic or not relevant. Please see for more details. by tfoote
close date 2015-10-14 16:13:13.193587