A Multi Map Navigation Question: "set_map" service [closed]
Hello there,
My question pertains to the multi_map_navigation package. I pulled it from http://jks-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/pr2_coffee
Why is it that I do not see "set_map" as a ROS service when I tried to follow the wiki here: http://www.ros.org/wiki/multi_map_navigation
I am building an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle and getting it to path plan with EKF'ed odometery. I managed to tune "move_base" parameters to give reasonably good motion in the X-Y plane. The depth PID also gives fairly stable depth control.
I am exploring the use of multi map navigation to hack out a system that would allow the AUV navigate in the X-Y plane of a few depth setpoints.
- After pulling it I realized that the package depends on "map_store"; "map_store" depends on "warehouse_ros".
- I was unable to compile to "warehouse_ros"; I am using ROS Fuerte but the make files in it seem to point to catkin.
- I discovered the "warehousewg" and installed via this command==> "sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-warehousewg"
- I manually changed the "manifest.xml" files of map_store so that it can compile against "warehousewg"
- both "multi_map_navigation" and "map_store" are able to compile and I am also able to launch it.
- I am also able to load maps into "map_manager", which I understand is a part of "map_store"; i loaded with this command: rosrun map_store add_map.py /path/to/myMap.yaml (myMap.pgm resides in the same directory as myMap.yaml); it outputs "Done" after I press enter.
*I actually have a few other qs about multi_map_navigation but it seems to be the practice here to ask 1 qs per post so I'll just ask one here.
Thank you for your time. appreciate any answers, insight or directions.
have a good day.
Sorry for the late response. This most likely means that multi-map navigation can't start up for some reason. Here are a set of steps to troubleshoot, based on the source code.
Do you get "You must specify a definition_file" in any of your logs (check ~/.ros/logs/ with grep)? If so, then you have not properly specified a file for definitions of the map - the yaml file that links them all together.
Do you get "Waiting for position" in your logs (check with grep)? If so, then AMCL or another localization system needs to be running - the robot is not getting its position.