Fuerte failure in serialization.h
Hi, I am running "ptam" in gdb on a machine 1 with roscore. Machine 2 is running a process "remote-ptam" that publish and subscribe to machine 1. Both machines are linked to roscore on machine 1. Verified that all publishing and subscribing happens properly by viewing rxgraph. However in a certain state of "remote-ptam", "ptam" on machine 1 crashes.
I am running linaro ubuntu 12.11 on odroid u2 with ros fuerte (machine 1-compiled from source) and ubuntu 12.10 x86 desktop with ros groovy (from synaptic) on machine 2.
GDB output: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8948006/gdb.txt
serialization.h: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8948006/serialization.h
back trace: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8948006/gdb_bt.txt
Is there any known bug in ROS serialization?