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Can I use "GZSDF" to convert an URDF file into a SDF file???

asked 2013-02-01 06:22:12 -0500

Jey_316 gravatar image

updated 2013-02-01 06:29:06 -0500

Can I use "GZSDF" to convert an URDF file into a SDF file???

-I have my urdf(01-myfirstyo.urdf) in the next path:


  • I tried several methods to convert an urdf file into a sdf file (with gzdf in ROS FUERTE) and they didnt work:


john@john-K53SD:/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo$ source setup.bash

john@john-K53SD:/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo$ ./gazebo/bin/gzsdf print /home/john/ros/01-myfirstyo.urdf

Warning [] Gazebo SDF has no gazebo element

Error [] parse as old deprecated model file failed.

Error: SDF parsing the xml failed


john@john-K53SD:/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo$ source setup.bash

john@john-K53SD:/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo$ ./gazebo/bin/gzsdf convert /home/john/ros/01-myfirstyo.urdf

Error: Unknown option[convert] This tool provides information about SDF files.

gzsdf <command> [file]


describe   Print the SDF format.

check      Check the SDF format for the given file.

print      Prints SDF, useful for debugging parser and as a conversion tool.

Please tell me what am i doing wrong???

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1 Answer

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answered 2013-02-02 04:50:44 -0500

Alexandr Buyval gravatar image


I had a similar error in fuerte. After I had installed the groovy I have completed the conversion without error by command:

gzsdf print *.urdf


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Was you conversion in fact correct? In my case it only properly converted visual properties.

dejanpan gravatar image dejanpan  ( 2013-02-18 02:51:00 -0500 )edit

Conversion was correct after I had deleted all xacro properties like "${M_PI/2}"

Alexandr Buyval gravatar image Alexandr Buyval  ( 2013-02-19 04:54:34 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2013-02-01 06:22:12 -0500

Seen: 1,884 times

Last updated: Feb 02 '13