Right & Left IK Service from Warehouse Wizard [closed]

asked 2013-02-12 08:48:39 -0600

MartinW gravatar image

Hello all,

I am trying to access the Right and Left IK Services from the arm navigation tutorials. When I run my robot and I try to check the rosservice info I get a connection timeout.

martin@ubuntu:~# rosservice info /H20_robot_left_arm_kinematics/get_constraint_aware_ik
Node: /H20_robot_left_arm_kinematics
URI: rosrpc://ubuntu:54175
Type: kinematics_msgs/GetConstraintAwarePositionIK
Args: ik_request constraints timeout
martin@ubuntu:~# rosservice info /H20_robot_left_arm_kinematics/
ERROR: unknown service
martin@ubuntu:~# rosservice info /H20_robot_left_arm_kinematics/get_ik
Node: /H20_robot_left_arm_kinematics
URI: rosrpc://ubuntu:54175
Type: kinematics_msgs/GetPositionIK
Args: ik_request timeout

I want to run this service programmically, like in the pr2 tutorials. However these are for Diamondback and Electric, does this code work with Fuerte as well?

Kind Regards, Martin

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2015-10-26 13:03:37.938212