rosparam load into shell script
I would like to run move_stack from the binary. So what i am actually trying to do is to load the parameters into a shell script. The shell script looks like this:
`#!/bin/bash clear
echo "Executing Move_base"
rosparam load -v ~/ros_stacks_sc/navigation_kostas/cfg_rafa/costmap_common_params.yaml /global_costamap
rosparam load -v ~/ros_stacks_sc/navigation_kostas/cfg_rafa/costmap_common_params.yaml /local_costamap
rosparam load -v ~/ros_stacks_sc/navigation_kostas/cfg_rafa/base_global_planner_params.yaml rosparam load -v
rosparam load -v ~/ros_stacks_sc/navigation_kostas/cfg_rafa/global_costmap_params.yaml
rosparam load -v ~/ros_stacks_sc/navigation_kostas/cfg_rafa/local_costmap_params.yaml
cd ~/ros_stacks_sc/navigation_kostas/move_base/bin/
./move_base home/kostasof/Desktop/test_t420/Move_Base.xml wlan0`
As you can see i am loading the parameters by using the "rosparam load" command, and after i go the folder that i have compiled my distribution of "move_base" and executing the binary by giving 2 more arguments(necessary for my changes into the code). The problem is that when i am executing the binary it says that it loads the parameters (-v : verbose mode) but during the move_base execution the parameters that have been loaded are not taken into account.
Any ideas?