Husky not sending odometry data [closed]
Hi All,
I am trying to set up SLAM on a Husky A200, and am having some troubles. There is no tf link between /odom and /base_footprint. To fix this, I am using robot_pose_ekf to take the husky's odometry data and publish the transform to tf. This is not working however. After going through robot_pose_ekf's troubleshooting page I have found the the husky is not sending out the odometry data. I can see /encoder when I run rostopic list
, but when I run rostopic hz /encoder
the cursor just blinks until I cancel the command. I am running to get the odom data, and have edited the robot_pose_efk.launch file to accept /encoder as the odometry topic. If anyone knows why the husky is not sending out the data I need it would be appreciated.