multi robot exploration [closed]
i want to run two robots in rviz with explore node . i have able to run the exploration package but it worked only for one robot . how to make it work for two robots . here are the launch file and world file for one robot.
launch file
define block model ( size [0.5 0.5 0.5]
gui_nose 0
define topurg ranger
range [ 0.0 30.0 ]
fov 270.25
samples 1081
# generic model properties
color "black"
size [ 0.05 0.05 0.1 ]
define erratic position
#size [0.415 0.392 0.25]
size [0.35 0.35 0.25]
origin [-0.05 0 0 0]
gui_nose 1
drive "diff"
topurg(pose [ 0.050 0.000 0 0.000 ])
define floorplan model
# sombre, sensible, artistic
color "gray30"
# most maps will need a bounding box
boundary 1
gui_nose 0
gui_grid 0
gui_outline 0
gripper_return 0
fiducial_return 0
laser_return 1
set the resolution of the underlying raytrace model in meters
resolution 0.02
interval_sim 100 # simulation timestep in milliseconds
window ( size [ 745.000 448.000 ]
rotate [ 0.000 -1.560 ]
scale 28.806
load an environment bitmap
name "maze"
bitmap "maze.png"
size [54.0 58.7 0.5]
pose [ -29.350 27.000 0 90.000 ]
throw in a robot
erratic( pose [ -11.277 23.266 0 180.000 ] name "era" color "blue")
block( pose [ -13.924 25.020 0 180.000 ] color "red")
world file
............................................. <launch> <master auto="start"/> <node pkg="stage" type="stageros" name="stage" args="$(find bosch_worlds)/" respawn="false" output="screen"/> <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="fake_localize" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 map odom 10"/> <include file="$(find explore_stage)/move.xml"/> <include file="$(find explore_stage)/explore.xml"/> </launch> .............................................
Hi, can you help me for run exploration stack in my turtlebot ? the roswiki doesn't have enough tutorials in this point ,, thanks in Advance ,, :)
sorry salma i havnt tried it on turtlebot. i have just tested it with stage . i,ll let you know when i,ll try it on my irobot create
Ok thanks Xittx,, i did a map by gmapping ,, i wish to use exploration method to make my Robot navigatie in hole the place to search for something ,, just help me Can exploration do that ?
yes it can . exploration stack allows to explore the area which is unexplored, it wont go back again to the place which is already explored . as far as the "searching of object" is concerned , u have to search for an Object detection technique , may be OpencV would help.
yes i tried an object detection technique and detect the object ,,now i am searching for a method to search for this object in the room that i have it's map by gmapping
have u run the exploration node in stage along with gmapping node? . the launch file file is present in exploration package. u can try this . to make it run in real robot , u just have to erase "stageros" node from the launch file and include the turlebot driver and laser driver.
three topics to consider ..."/base_scan" , "/cmd_vel" and "/odom" . first one will be achieved by laser driver , rest of the topics from turtlebot driver.