ROS DEPRECATED get_transforms_vec
I am trying to port scene_label_3D package at, developed in a ROS diamondback to groovy. I was able to modify other bt objects in the package according to the bullet migration guide, but I am stuck in -
The problem is, that I want to find the transformation matrix by extracting the rotation and translation matrix from a tf::tfMessageConstPtr type object. This class has been changed and does not contain any get_transforms_vec function anymore. So my real question now is
How can I find a quaternion from the tf::tfMessageConstPtr object which is initialized as tf::tfMessageConstPtr tf_ptr = mtf.instantiate<tf::tfmessage >="" ();="" because="" my="" transformation="" data="" is="" contained="" inside="" a="" bag="" file.="" and="" assign="" it="" to="" a="" tf::transform="" type="" object?="" <="" p="">
The full code snippet is given below:
tf::Transform final_tft;
BOOST_FOREACH(rosbag::MessageInstance const mtf, view_tf)
cout<<"Inside boost foreach"<<endl;
tf::tfMessageConstPtr tf_ptr = mtf.instantiate<tf::tfMessage > ();
assert(tf_ptr != NULL);
std::vector<geometry_msgs::TransformStamped> bt;
tf::Transform tft(getQuaternion(bt[0].transform.rotation), getVector3(bt[0].transform.translation));
final_tft = tft;
And I receive the error saying that there is no get_transforms_vec function. I am struggling to solve this problem since many days. I would really appreciate any help.
Thanks, Akshay
Same problem, could you solved it? Thanks