How to solve One or more cameras have incorrect firmware? [closed]
When I run
robot stop
sudo pr2-systemcheck
It shows:
pr2admin@c1:~$ sudo pr2-systemcheckRunning local scripts
Running scripts for c1
* Testing ssh connection to c1... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'c1/'... OK
* Running 'c1/'... FAIL (Return code: 1)
On r_gripper_motor :
expected : fw=['1.01', '1.02']
found : fw=2.208
On l_forearm_roll_motor :
On port p1 :
expected : l_wrist_l_motor
found : *nothing*
* Running 'c1/'... OK
* Running 'c1/'... OK
* Running 'c1/'... OK
* Running 'c1/'... OK
* Running 'c1/'... FAIL (Return code: 1)
One or more cameras have incorrect firmware. Check that all cameras have FW version "HDL rev: 600 FW rev: 8C41".
* Running 'c1/'... OK
Running scripts for c2
* Testing ssh connection to c2... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'all/'... OK
* Running 'c2/'... OK
* Running 'c2/'... OK
* Running 'c2/'... OK
* Running 'c2/'... OK
30/32 passed
2/32 failed
I can't solve by :
sudo ip addr add dev lan1 label lan1:0
rosrun wge100_camera set_name serial://3001134@ forearm_l
sudo ip addr del dev lan1
How to solve it?
Thank you~
Closed for the following reason
question is not relevant or outdated by
close date 2015-12-12 01:24:29.356032
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