Dealing with errors in odometry when a robot moves up or down a slope
Hi all, Is there any algorithm/method to compensate the errors in Odometry (for dead reckoning) that might creep in when a robot moves up or down a slope? I am using a turtlebot which uses a kinect.
What kinds of errors are you seeing?
The change in x and y coordinates does not take the slope into consideration. The change in both x and y coordinates must be multiplied by cos(angle_of_inclination). How can I measure the angle of inclination of slope?
I don't have a turtlebot here. Have you looked at the IMU output?
After starting the roomba node, I tried "rostopic find sensor_msgs/Imu". But it did not return any result.
Some turtlebots may have a separate IMU, not part of the roomba. Did you start up everything?
I also launched the minimal.launch for roomba 500. But nothing was being published when I used the command "rostopic echo /imu/data". I think IMU is missing in Roomba 500 base.
Sounds like you need expert turtlebot assistance, which I cannot provide. Maybe adding turtlebot and roomba tags would help get that kind of attention.