Kinect extrinsic calibration (between depth and built-in cameras)
Hi all,
I am having some problems with this tutorial:
I calibrated both the RGB and the Depth camera on the Kinect, however, when I try to do this tutorial. I always get an error which says "Timed out waiting for checkerboard". I tried to find this error, however, I don't see anyone else having this problem.
I'm not sure if it is because the tutorial is broken for ROS fuerte. Anyone else having problems getting this to work?
Or if there is a better calibration method out there on ROS to calibrate the kinect. Note: I'm trying to get a better calibration than the manufacture. This is because I need more accuracy (millimeter range) than what is given (centimeter range).
EDIT: I tried to use the Contrast Augmentor using this command:
rosrun contrast contrast_augmenter image:=/camera/ir/image_raw
Then the input to the calibration was:
roslaunch camera_pose_calibration calibrate_2_camera.launch camera1_ns:=/camera/rgb_bag camera2_ns:=/camera/ir_augmented
Its the standard checkerboard so I should not need to give rows and columns. I did not have to when I did the calibration for the RGB Camera and IR Camera.
I still get the error on the screen "Timed out waiting for checkerboard". Am I missing something here?
I tried adding in the Checkerboard size and the number of columns and rows. Still can't be seen.
EDIT_3: image:
on both RGB and IR? What version of ROS are you using?
I'm using fuerte. I'm only running the Contrast Augmentor on the IR image. Also I'm getting the error message on both the RGB and IR image.
strange. Yes, the Contrast Augmentor is only for IR. This packaged seams dead and without a substitute. I tried to use it on groovy (compiled from the source) and there is a error with cv_bridge on a conversion.
Well if the package is dead. I was able to get the intrinsics. Still need the extrinsic though.
Can you try to put checkerboard more closer and horizontal. It seemed a bit small to me.
That was just one instance. When I calibrated separately, that seemed like the best and stable position in both cameras. I moved it closer and change its position, still the same.