Embedding a launch file with a parameter
I have two ros launch files, A.launch and B.launch.
I want B.launch to be included in A.launch like that:
<node name="rosbridge" pkg="rosbridge" type="rosbridge.py" />
<include file="$(find some_package_name)/launch/B.launch">
Works pretty nice. However, it becomes a problem, as soon as there is a parameter necessary in B.launch:
<node name="$(arg START_NODE_NAME)" pkg="some_package_name" type="some_type">
I tried to use the following tag in A.launch:
<node name="rosbridge" pkg="rosbridge" type="rosbridge.py" />
<include file="$(find some_package_name)/launch/B.launch">
<arg name="START_NODE_NAME" value="goal_server" />-->
but that didn't work out either.
Is that scenario just not possible?