Where to verify or change config of urg_node?
When reviewing the URGConfig.dox and comparing to the HokuyoConfig.dox there are several differences and I would like to test the urg_node with the values the same as with the hokuyo_node. If I edit the URGConfig.dox will this affect changes to the urg_node or do I need to access a different file to make these changes?
\b "~angle_min" : \b [double] Controls the angle of the first range measurement in radians. min: -3.14159265359, default: -3.14159265359, max: 3.14159265359
In the HokuyoConfig.dox for the same "~angle_min" it has the default at -1.57079632679; so again, what file do I change in the urg_node to get the settings the same as for the hokuyo_node?