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ccny_rgbd with vo+mapping rosservice call error

asked 2013-06-22 10:21:18 -0500

rossi gravatar image

Hello Dryanovski and fellow campaigners,

I am using ROS Groovy on an i3 laptop and ATI 6770m. I use your ccny package. Nearly everything works fine. I can start all launch files an see the rgbd screen (Topic: /rgbd/cloud) in rviz. Just one problem: I want to see the whole map in rviz, but it disappears. I think i must call the service rosservice call /publish_keyframes ".*" to publish all keyframes an set the delay time unequal zero. But i get just the error message after the call:

ERROR: service [/publish_keyframes] responded with an error:

nothing else :( In rviz i can set the topic to "keyframes", but no pointcloud!

I tried different detector types and change their effect...

Thanks for your help,



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2 Answers

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answered 2013-06-28 06:37:11 -0500


The keyframes are not published on rgbd/cloud, but on keyframes instead. I'm not sure why the error is occurring. Can you visualize the keyframes in rviz without the service?

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rossi gravatar image rossi  ( 2013-07-02 02:34:14 -0500 )edit

answered 2013-07-02 02:42:24 -0500

rossi gravatar image

I don't get any point-cloud when i set keyframes as topic in rviz(without the service). Is it necessary to call the rosservice generate_graph ? I tried it,but i get this Error:

ERROR: service [/generate_graph] responded with an error: /tmp/buildd/ros-groovy-opencv2-2.4.5-2precise-20130519-1747/modules/features2d/src/matchers.cpp:91: error: (-215) imageCount > 0 in function set

What can i do?

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were you able to solve the error?

rick gravatar image rick  ( 2016-01-29 14:15:02 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2013-06-22 10:21:18 -0500

Seen: 417 times

Last updated: Jul 02 '13