3D plot from geometry_msgs/Pose message
I'm trying to make a 3D plot from data collected by a kinect. For this I recorded a bag file and can echo the topic using:
$ rostopic echo mono_depth_odometer/pose
Which outputs a message like this:
seq: 66
secs: 1373486339
nsecs: 909821489
frame_id: /base_link
x: 3.7901529439e-05
y: 5.22536844969e-05
z: 0.000106685859698
x: 7.32867424846e-06
y: -2.76516487714e-06
z: -8.7403562356e-06
w: 0.999999999931
Now I would like to plot this in 3D. I have succesfully done this before with
rxplot --mode=3d topic1 topic2 topic3
So now I've tried this with different combinations with no success, for example:
$ rxplot --mode=3d mono_depth_odometer/position/x mono_depth_odometer/position/y mono_depth_odometer/position/z
$ rxplot --mode=3d mono_depth_odometer/position.x mono_depth_odometer/position.y mono_depth_odometer/position.z
What is the correct way to access the axis data in the message?
Thank you,