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Asctec_Proc - Timeout: 0 bytes available 3 bytes requested

asked 2013-07-12 02:40:19 -0500

pkohout gravatar image

updated 2013-07-12 02:47:04 -0500

Hi, i try to run ros on the Asctec Pelican, but when i run

roslaunch asctec_proc asctec_driver_nodelets.launch

i get the following error:

[ERROR] [1230811515.060357725]: Read (-1): [ERROR] [1230811515.061434957]: Read failed[ERROR] [1230811515.122562563]: Timeout: 0 bytes available 3 bytes requested[ERROR] [1230811515.123636163]:Error Reading Packet Header: Resource temporarily unavailable

On the Atomboard i have installed Ubuntu 11.10 and ROS-Fuerte.

The ros-node also sais it connects succsesfully to /dev/ttyUSB0, Baudrate 57600.

I have tried it with extern current and with the battery.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem ?

Please tell me if further information is needed

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1 Answer

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answered 2013-07-14 23:04:19 -0500

Markus Achtelik gravatar image

is the Atomboard connected properly to the low level processor of the pelican? This might help: http://asctec-users.986163.n3.nabble....

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thanks...we was using a different cable, which of course do not work. now all starts without any erros :)

pkohout gravatar image pkohout  ( 2013-07-15 04:49:33 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2013-07-12 02:40:19 -0500

Seen: 261 times

Last updated: Jul 12 '13