Image-pipeline groovy unmet dependencies
Hello, I am trying to install ros-groovy-image-pipeline (sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-image-pipeline) on my beaglebone running ubuntu precise. when i try to install image-pipeline i get the following unmet dependencies. ros-groovy-image-pipeline: Depends: ros-groovy-depth-image-proc but it is not installable.
Any help would be appreciated.. Thank You, Nav
It may be missing temporarily due to repository updates. Try it again?
I tried last night, but got the same unmet dependency ros-groovy-depth-image-proc. I am thinking about downloading source code and compiling this a good idea? Or am i missing something fundamental with the error above?
Building from source is more error-prone. If Ubuntu package installation is not working, you probably have something fundamentally wrong, yet probably easy to fix. Do the basics first: make sure your APT sources are correct, and run `sudo apt-get update`.
thanks, I am sure i tried apt-get update when i initially had the problem, but i will try again tonight...
Maybe go back and work through the Ubuntu install instructions one step at a time:
Thanks for replying, Joq.I followed the instructions for ubuntu for ARM, and luck, still same error. I downloaded source code for image_pipeline and tried rosmake and rosdep install depth_image_proc src. its complaining its unable to get sudo apt-get ros-groovy-pcl-ros..i wonder if this is the underlying issue.
I assumed you were using the main Ubuntu repository for i386 and amd64. ARM is a different issue. That repo is experimental and not complete, you might contact @ahendrix about it.