CV error while calibrating Asus Xtion with package "camera_pose_calibration" [closed]
I am now trying to get the orientation between the ir and rgb camera of Asus Xtion. I followed the instructions of the following website: http: // rosmultirgbd .wordpress. com /configuration/
and this tutorial: http: // /wiki/openni_launch/Tutorials/ExtrinsicCalibration
Everything goes well, including the contrasing of ir camera. But when I tried to launch the "calibrate_2_camera.launch", a cv error was shown:
File "/home/jsf-jy/git/care-o-bot/camera_pose/camera_pose_calibration/src/camera_pose_calibration/", line 85, in render cv.Resize(self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(self.image, 'rgb8'), window) cv2.error: src.type() == dst.type()
I have already updated my ROS to the newest version. Does anyone know the reason of this? Thanks in advance.
I got the same thing using Kinects on ROS Groovy (using the catkinized version). I tried getting the type of both inputs to cv.Resize() by
and it returns true.
Edit: this happens only when I use IR camera. It works with RGB.
I'm having the same problem, did anyone find a solution yet?