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Please suggest the learning material for C++ and python in context to ROS?

asked 2013-07-23 16:23:04 -0500

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I need a time effective (the tutorial which let me learn the basic concepts easily with time effective way) tutorial that can let me learn C++ and python in context to programming in ROS. Please suggest.

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3 Answers

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answered 2013-07-23 21:37:47 -0500

Lucile gravatar image

I, personnally, found those ressources helpful (but I already had some programming skills) :

Hope that helps.

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I think these links are helpful as I do have some programming skill. Thanking you.

lifelonglearner gravatar image lifelonglearner  ( 2013-07-23 21:45:12 -0500 )edit

answered 2013-07-23 18:54:33 -0500

lindzey gravatar image

I would be surprised if a ROS-specific tutorial existed for learning the very basic concepts of C++ or Python. The simplest system in ROS consists of running roscore, a publisher and a subscriber (as described in the first tutorial). This won't make much sense until you know enough of a language to write functions and comfortably manipulate data. So, If you haven't programmed before, work your way through several different Python tutorials, until you're comfortable with basic data structures, flow control, writing functions, and classes. (google's looks reasonably concise, but may not cover enough). Skip C++ until you have your robot moving around.

However, ROS is great for learning how to design robotic systems. Bill Smart teaches an introduction to robotics course using ROS and turtlebots. His course materials are online, and might be of interest to you.

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I gone through the content of the Bill's course material I hope I will be able to utilize it most.

lifelonglearner gravatar image lifelonglearner  ( 2013-07-24 15:13:44 -0500 )edit

answered 2013-07-23 22:24:58 -0500

mpthompson gravatar image

For the Python side of things, I recently needed to come up to speed pretty quickly with the Python syntax to better be able to make out the ROS examples in the language. I found a bunch of Python tutorials on YouTube, but I settled on the videos of the 2-day Python class given by Nick Parlante at Google for their employees:

It takes about 5 hours to sit through all the videos, but Nick is pretty good instructor and the class moves a long at a pretty good clip so you won't get bored if you are already generally familiar with basic programming concepts.

This class won't teach you everything about Python, but for the things that you didn't learn you be well prepared to then pick up the missing pieces from many of the Python programming books.

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Thanks, It will definitely be good for me to start with it.

lifelonglearner gravatar image lifelonglearner  ( 2013-07-24 15:11:58 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2013-07-23 16:23:04 -0500

Seen: 859 times

Last updated: Jul 23 '13