Steps to cancel already-released packages
For a set of packages / a meta package that we already released into buildfarm (openrtm_common), we've figured out that we want to split it into multiple smaller sets / meta packages and fresh release each of them (for better modularity and moreover for easier handling of buildfarm error currently happening).
What step should we take before releasing the new sets of packages?
I'm afraid releasing new sets would cause conflicts if there already exist packages of the same names. Some packages have already been built and available on .deb binary repository. And just cancelling the commits for release.yaml on rosdistro seems not sufficient either.
This question is advanced enough you should ask on the ros-release mailing list.
Oh, okay, I'll do that. But just as a note, I see * sites come way earlier in Google's search result even when I logged off my Google account (to disable personalized search). So I prefer asking here for better searchability for the future.