Turtlebot depth image not displaying with Image_view with gazebo
Hey, I'm using the turtlebot_simulator package to simulate in gazebo.
Ubuntu 13.04 - 32bit
Ros Hydro
Turtlebot-apps v2.2.0
Gazebo v1.9
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/depth/image_raw
Using the image_view on the depth image returns a blank gray window. Where as using the same command on the RGB stream works perfectly. Here's a screen shot of whats happening so save myself trying to explain it.
Any ideas why this would occur? The depth data is displayed correctly in rviz.
Rostopic Hz /camera/depth/image_raw
subscribed to [/camera/depth/image_raw]
average rate: 2.609
min: 0.360s max: 0.420s std dev: 0.02625s window: 4
average rate: 2.765
min: 0.330s max: 0.420s std dev: 0.03023s window: 7
average rate: 2.769
min: 0.330s max: 0.420s std dev: 0.02514s window: 10
Rostopic info /camera/depth/image_raw
Type: sensor_msgs/Image
* /gazebo (<a href="http://Thesis-4740111:57881/">http://Thesis-4740111:57881/</a>)
Subscribers: None
After running those commands, the image_view started working on the depth. I guess magic will explain it.
Something must have changed over the last few days.
Can you show the output of rostopic hz and info?