How to add another message generator for new ROS clients
I'm developing ruby ROS message generator genrb. I read and this package generates .rb message files if workspace contains msgs source package (like std_msgs).
$ cd catkin_ws/src $ git clone $ git clone $ catkin_make
This generates devel/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/std_msgs/*.rb files. This is fine as I designed, if I always use source code of messages (this time, std_msgs).
I want to do this even if there are only binary installed version of messages. I read code of genmsg and it seems difficult. Then, what is the best way for adding developing (not officially supported) ROS clients that needs pre-compiled messages.
If you know some idea, please let me know! thanks.
What do you mean by source code/binary for messages? Messages are defined by the .msg files and those should always be there, so you should be fine.
I mean "binary"
source mean when use apt-get, genmsg does not work..