How to make a turtle pursue other turtle?
Hey guys, I'm new on this issue (ROS system, I mean), and I know my question is so simple, but i'm having so much problems with it. I don't know how to make a turtle which pursue other turtle, this one teleoperated by turtle_teleop_key node. If someone can tell me how to do it, or just a clue, I'd be so grateful. Thank you
Do you want the pursuing turtle to do so without receiving any teleoperation commands? If so, I say you would need a way to obtain the other turtle's position (for instance, through direct reporting) and implement a pose controller. I don't know any in ROS, but you can find the theory in books.
One turtle is teleoperated with turtlesim_teleop_key, and the other one has to pursue the first one. After reading all the tutorials from the ROS tutorials website, I don't know how I can give the position of the teleoperated turtle to the other turtle yet. Using topics is an option?
Yes! Each turtle has a /pose topic, which reports a turtlesim/Pose message
This sounds quite a bit like a homework assignment...