Problem installing ROS Groovy: Mobile Install
Good evening partners I'm trying yo install the mobile on a Raspberry pi running Raspbian at step 3.1 of Groovy Installation Guide. Following the recommendation I have been given the following error :
Using initial elements from: http packages ros org/web/rosinstall/generate/raw/groovy/mobile ERROR in config: Invalid multiproject yaml format in [http //packages ros org/web/rosinstall/generate/raw/groovy/mobile]: mapping values are not allowed here in "<file>", line 14, column 20
I have deleted dots because I can't publish links yet I can be able to continue with the installation process. Could you help me please?
Which guide are you following?
I was following this guide But I have also read that we have to use rosinstall_generator. I´m a little lost with this beacuse I´m a completely noob
At Step 5.6 I´m getting this : ERROR: your rosdep installation has not been initialized yet. Please run:
Altought I run the update I get always the same trying "sudo rosdep check ... "
Am I doing anything wrong ?
Thanks a lot
I supose that it will be related; if I ignore this part and continue I can´t build the Catkin Workspace. I get this message : catkin_make It does not exist file or directory and ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated: command not found