[RVIZ bug] STL Gouraud/Phong/Smooth Shading
Hi guys,
I'm trying to write an OpenRAVE visualizer based on librivz in Fuerte. As part of this, I need to load and display various kinds of models, but for now I am assuming just the model types RVIZ already supports (assimp, Collada, STL, and ogre .mesh).
I have noticed that no matter what indices/normals are defined in the STL files, and no matter what I set the shader to (Gourand/Phong/whatever), RVIZ, without fail, renders the model as flat shaded. I have narrowed down the problem to an offending function in rviz' STL loader, which simply throws away index buffer information and repeats vertices. That is here:
Ogre::MeshPtr STLLoader::toMesh(const std::string& name)
00166 {
00167 Ogre::ManualObject* object = new Ogre::ManualObject( "the one and only" );
00168 object->begin( "BaseWhiteNoLighting", Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST );
00170 unsigned int vertexCount = 0;
00171 V_Triangle::const_iterator it = triangles_.begin();
00172 V_Triangle::const_iterator end = triangles_.end();
00173 for (; it != end; ++it )
00174 {
00175 if( vertexCount >= 2004 )
00176 {
00177 // Subdivide large meshes into submeshes with at most 2004
00178 // vertices to prevent problems on some graphics cards.
00179 object->end();
00180 object->begin( "BaseWhiteNoLighting", Ogre::RenderOperation::OT_TRIANGLE_LIST );
00181 vertexCount = 0;
00182 }
00184 const STLLoader::Triangle& tri = *it;
00186 float u, v;
00187 u = v = 0.0f;
00188 object->position( tri.vertices_[0] );
00189 object->normal( tri.normal_);
00190 calculateUV( tri.vertices_[0], u, v );
00191 object->textureCoord( u, v );
00193 object->position( tri.vertices_[1] );
00194 object->normal( tri.normal_);
00195 calculateUV( tri.vertices_[1], u, v );
00196 object->textureCoord( u, v );
00198 object->position( tri.vertices_[2] );
00199 object->normal( tri.normal_);
00200 calculateUV( tri.vertices_[2], u, v );
00201 object->textureCoord( u, v );
00203 object->triangle( vertexCount + 0, vertexCount + 1, vertexCount + 2 );
00205 vertexCount += 3;
00206 }
00208 object->end();
00210 Ogre::MeshPtr mesh = object->convertToMesh( name, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME );
00211 mesh->buildEdgeList();
00213 delete object;
00215 return mesh;
00216 }
Basically, what's wrong with this code is that it's iterating through the triangles of the mesh, rather than the vertices, and thus repeats vertices. This throws away index buffer information, which Ogre needs to render meshes properly. (unless I'm mistaken, and "buildEdgeList" takes care of this).
Can anyone shed light on this problem?