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umd_camera process dies

asked 2011-03-02 21:12:42 -0600

Prasad gravatar image


My process of umd_camera dies after executing roslaunch uvc_camera camera_node.launch

The log file is like below:

[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-03 16:25:48,161] [thread 0xb6b41920]: [DEBUG] UDPROS server listening on port [52547]
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-03 16:25:48,170] [thread 0xb6b41920]: [DEBUG] Started node [/uvc_camera], pid [5366], bound on [rootx-laptop], xmlrpc port [59715], tcpros port [42953], logging to [/home/rootx/.ros/log/cb97488a-4584-11e0-85fd-f04da28296e0/uvc_camera-2.log], using [real] time
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-03 16:25:48,180] [thread 0xb6b41920]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/uvc_camera/num_worker_threads] is not set]
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-03 16:25:48,238] [thread 0xb6b40b70]: [DEBUG] Accepted connection on socket [7], new socket [11]
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-03 16:25:48,238] [thread 0xb6b40b70]: [DEBUG] TCPROS received a connection from []
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-03 16:25:48,238] [thread 0xb6b40b70]: [DEBUG] Connection: Creating TransportSubscriberLink for topic [/rosout] connected to [callerid=[/rosout] address=[TCPROS connection to [ on socket 11]]]
[ros.camera_info_manager] [2011-03-03 16:25:48,542] [thread 0xb6b41920]: [INFO] camera calibration URL: file:///opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/camera_umd/uvc_camera/example-right.yaml
[ros.camera_info_manager] [2011-03-03 16:25:48,543] [thread 0xb6b41920]: [WARN] [camera] does not match name right_camera in file /opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/camera_umd/uvc_camera/example-right.yaml
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-03 16:25:48,549] [thread 0xb6b41920]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/uvc_camera/skip_frames] is not set]
[roscpp_internal] [2011-03-03 16:25:48,558] [thread 0xb6b41920]: [DEBUG] XML-RPC call [getParam] returned an error (-1): [Parameter [/uvc_camera/frame_id] is not set]

When i try to set last two parameters given in the log, it is not working. It is not showing error with next generated log.

Any help on this?


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I don't see anything in that log that would indicate why the node is dying. Does /dev/video0 exist? Sometimes the kernel module needs to be reloaded. Can you use the camera if you run "guvcview"?
Ken gravatar image Ken  ( 2011-03-03 04:20:37 -0600 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2011-03-03 00:32:19 -0600

joq gravatar image

Those last two messages just indicate that the parameter server had no values defined for the ~skip_frames and ~frame_id parameters. That is normal and should not be a problem. The driver will probably provide appropriate defaults.

Does the driver work if you do not provide those parameters?

If it fails, what are the symptoms?

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answered 2011-03-03 00:58:41 -0600

Prasad gravatar image

No it does not work even if i remove it or provide it. If i provide parameters still process dies but it is not showing any entry in the log about any error. It suddenly stopped working otherwise it used to work very nicely.

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answered 2011-03-13 23:40:25 -0600

Prasad gravatar image

Lately i observed this issue is always with all other camera packages also. The problem is, when i set <param ....=""/> in launch file for any node then it is not working. When i run individually it works.

For e.g. When i set usb_cam node in launch file with some custom parameter then process dies and if i don't use launch file and try to roslaunch usb_cam from command line it works.

Is there anything which needs more attention?


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Asked: 2011-03-02 21:12:42 -0600

Seen: 836 times

Last updated: Mar 13 '11