erratic_robot simulation and diamondback
I just upgraded from cturtle to diamondback and wanted to drive around a erratic in simulation as a test if important components (rviz, gazebo, navigation etc.) are working. Unfortunately, this is not the case. What I did is the following (and worked with cturtle instead of diamondback before):
- install ros-diamondback-desktop-full (.debs)
- install ros-diamondback-erratic_robot (.debs)
- go to erratic_robot/erratic_navigation_apps/gazebo_demo and perform "roslaunch demo_2dnav_slam.launch"
This results in the following errors during startup of gazebo:
[ERROR] [1299224256.641536347]: Failed to import scene containing mesh: STL: ASCII file is empty or invalid; no data loaded. Supported extensions are: *.3d;*.3ds;*.ac;*.ac3d;*.acc;*.ase;*.ask;*.b3d;*.blend;*.bvh;*.cob;*.csm;*.dae;*.dxf;*.enff;*.hmp;*.irr;*.irrmesh;*.lwo;*.lws;*.lxo;*.md2;*.md3;*.md5anim;*.md5camera;*.md5mesh;*.mdc;*.mdl;*.mesh.xml;*.mot;*.ms3d;*.ndo;*.nff;*.obj;*.off;*.pk3;*.ply;*.prj;*.q3o;*.q3s;*.raw;*.scn;*.smd;*.stl;*.ter;*.uc;*.vta;*.x;*.xml
[ERROR] [1299224256.641860131]: Failed to load mesh 'package://erratic_description/meshes/erratic_top.stl'
[ERROR] [1299224256.642215065]: Unable to construct collision shape for link 'base_top_link'
[ERROR] [1299224260.536172680]: Client [/base_laser_self_filter] wants topic /base_scan/shadow_filtered to have datatype/md5sum [sensor_msgs/PointCloud2/1158d486dd51d683ce2f1be655c3c181], but our version has [sensor_msgs/PointCloud/d8e9c3f5afbdd8a130fd1d2763945fca]. Dropping connection.
The latter error looks like there was a switch to PointCloud2 instead of PointCloud for the laser self filter in diamondback and erratic_robot seems to still use the cturtle signature. The first error however doesn't make immediate sense to me.
Any hints or fixes would be greatly appreciated.