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Prosilica GC655C low frame rate

asked 2011-03-12 03:57:29 -0500

gajan gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:09:20 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image


My Prosilica GC655C is giving only 56 fps. (The same camera was giving me 89 fps on a different machine, which I don't have access)

My Launch file is:

<group ns="prosilica">
        <param name="exposure_auto" type="str" value="Auto"/>
    <param name="gain_auto" type="str" value="Auto"/>
    <param name="whitebal_auto" type="str" value="Auto"/>
    <param name="frame_id" type="string" value="high_def_optical_frame" />
        <param name="trigger_mode" type="str" value="streaming"/>
        <param name="ip_address" type="str" value=""/>
<node name="prosilica" pkg="prosilica_camera" type="prosilica_node" respawn="false" output="screen">


And I have set my MTU with

sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 8228

Is there any thing else that I should check ? (I don't remember doing anything else in the old setup)

FYI: I use CAT 6 cables and the router DLink DIR-825 supports jumbo frames. The current machine is an i7/8GB.

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1 Answer

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answered 2011-03-12 06:27:14 -0500

KoenBuys gravatar image

Hi Gajan, I've experienced the same with our GC655C, GC660C and GC1290C, in our case changing cable type from CAT5E changed already a lot (our lab should be operational on CAT6A in the following days). Even with CAT5E cable I had to try 4 different types of suppliers before finding a good performance. I'm still not getting the maximum performance out of our GC660C camera's however. I'm using a Cisco catalyst switch (which doesn't seem to be the bottleneck).

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Asked: 2011-03-12 03:57:29 -0500

Seen: 350 times

Last updated: Mar 12 '11