How to draw a map on android device?
I want to display a map on android tablet. I have a gapping node which publishes a "map" topic. To display it I followed make_a_map tutorial from android apps, that can be found on rosjava github. Unfortunately instead of displaying a map, application crashes due to out of memory problem. What am I doing wrong? How can I access OccupancyGrid message and display its content on my tablet?
Map info taken from rostopic echo map_metadata:
resolution: 0.0500000007451 width: 4000 height: 4000
My tablet is Samsung Galaxy note 10.1 which has 2GB RAM, 1,4 GHz quad core CPU and runs on Android 4.1
How large is your map? I suggest you edit your question to include the map metadata info (e.g. rostopic echo /map/info ) as well as maybe some details about what type of tablet you are displaying on. Out-of-memory issues might be completely reasonable with a large map and a low-memory device.
thank you for your comment. I edited my question.