Is it possible to replace colladadom dependence with macports?
robot_model contains a colladadom build, but it doesn't work in OS X (apparently because it's 32-bit instead of 64). However there's also collada-dom in macports. Is it possible to use the macports version instead of the ros-supplied one? Are they different?
If it would be possible, how would that work? (It's not clear to me how rosmake knows to make colladadom in the first place, but it does because it complains about the absence of the stack when I move it out of the robot_model folder. Is it just looking for rosdep.xml files in the sub-dirs?)
FWIW, if I tell collada_urdf that it doesn't need colladdom, then it fails anyway, complaining about missing declarations, which I assume should have been handled by colladadom.
I have installed the Macports version of collada-dom, and it's the same version required by ROS-Hydro. But when I try to install ROS-Hydro-Desktop_Full, it complains that it can't find ros-collada-dom. How would I modify the Portfile for Desktop_Full? Or how can I make a ros pkg of collada-dom?
I've got past collada-dom, but now Macports isn't able to find "python-kitchen".