How to calculate sensor_msgs/Imu data from IMU sensor
I've got a Shimmer2R module from which I obtain 9 axis: Acceleration X, Y, and Z; Gyroscope X, Y, and Z; and Magnetometer X, Y, and Z.
I would like to transmit this data using standard ROS messages. I found the sensor_msgs/MagneticField messages for the magnetometer. I thought the sensor_msgs/Imu messages would be appropriate for the other data.
However, the Imu message seems to present the data in a different way than how I obtain it. I am unfamiliar with this representation and I'm looking for guidance on how to convert my data to the sensor_msgs/Imu
representation. An internet search didn't provide me with any useful pointers.
On a side note, I have also read that to obtain a heading from the magnetometer, the data from the Gyroscope is also necessary. Is there any ROS node that does this calculation?
Hi, I also want to interface Shimmer2R module in ROS groovy running on Ubuntu. But I don't know how to interface Shimmer2R module on linux. Any help would be more than appreciated.
I've quickly thrown what I have on GitHub: It supports a shimmer Bluetooth connection, but documentation is lacking and there a lot of work in progress. But you might find inspiration in the Python script
Thanks a ton! I will check it out. :)
I tried your executing your node but I am getting this error: ================================================================================REQUIRED process [shimmer/accel_gyro_mag-1] has died! process has died [pid 3166, exit code 1, cmd /home/shivesh/catkin_ws/src/shimmer-master/scripts/ __name:=accel_gyro_mag __log:=/home/shivesh/.ros/log/7e16bdb6-fc6a-11e3-9f41-001e65ca05f4/shimmer-accel_gyro_mag-1.log]. log file: /home/shivesh/.ros/log/7e16bdb6-fc6a-11e3-9f41-001e65ca05f4/shimmer-accel_gyro_mag-1*.log Initiating shutdown! ================================================================================ Shimmer2R modules are working normally on my linux. I am able to get the data in a CSV file through ShimmerConnect application for linux. Also, I didn't understand how your program will identify the shimmer we want to connect. For eg, I don't know where to put its rfcomm id for communication.
Bluetooth settings are configured on lines 101 and 102. Admittedly, the code is undocumented. I believe that issues with this specific node are better handled on the GitHub website than using these comments.
Hi I updated my bd_addr and port as directed. But still it throws an error. I have put the issue in the github. Kindly help.