Is an IMU required to run Turtlebot stack?
Is an IMU required to run the Turtlebot stack? If so, what would be the recommended IMU to buy?
Thanks, -Scott
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Is an IMU required to run the Turtlebot stack? If so, what would be the recommended IMU to buy?
Thanks, -Scott
The Turtlebot uses a single-axis ADXRS613 rate gyro for its IMU, attached directly to the DB25 analog port of the iRobot Create base. I'm using an ADXRS613 breakout from sparkfun found here on my (non-turtelbot) Create--works great.
Hook the RATE pin from the ADXRS613 to the Analog Input (pin 4), connect the 5V on the breakout to the 5V on the DB25, and hook the GNDs together as well. Ignore the other pins on the ADXRS613 unless you want to figure out temperature compensation.
Also, make sure you run the Turtlebot calibration node to compensate for bias in the IMU. You should only have to do this once unless you drive your robot in varying environments--as the calibration routine compensates for wheel slippage as well as rate bias.
It's not required but it makes the odometry much better.
Asked: 2011-04-16 06:45:41 -0600
Seen: 4,218 times
Last updated: Jun 23 '11
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