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This epsilon is being used to determine if two floating point values are the "same value". You shouldn't need to increase this unless your robot's joint values jump around a lot when the robot arm is theoretically not moving.

I would guess you are seeing this error message because it thinks the first entry in the plan is too far from the robot's current joint values. You are expected to fetch the current state of the robot joints for the planner before it calculates a plan.

This epsilon is being used to determine if two floating point values are the "same value". You shouldn't need to increase this unless your robot's joint values jump around a lot when the robot arm is theoretically not moving.

I would guess you are seeing this error message because it thinks the first entry in the plan is too far from the robot's current joint values. You are expected to fetch the current state of the robot joints for the planner before it calculates a plan.

More info: the "joint tolerance" parameter is used by a joint_controller to decide when a joint's current (rotation) value is "close enough" to the requested value. This parameter is typically configured on the joint_controller, but there should also be a default if it is unspecified. The joint_tolerance value might be different for each joint. Don't be fooled if the parameter contains the word "goal" - it is referring to the next-step, not the final step of the full trajectory plan.

This epsilon is being used to determine if two floating point values are the "same value". You shouldn't need to increase this unless your robot's joint values jump around a lot when the robot arm is theoretically not moving.

I would guess you are seeing this error message because it thinks the first entry in the plan is too far from the robot's current joint values. You are expected to fetch the current state of the robot joints for the planner before it calculates a plan.

More info: the "joint tolerance" parameter is used by a joint_controller to decide when a joint's current (rotation) value is "close enough" to the requested value. This parameter is typically configured on the joint_controller, but there should also be a default if it is unspecified. The joint_tolerance value might be different for each joint. Don't be fooled if the parameter contains the word "goal" - it is referring to the next-step, not the final step of the full trajectory plan.

For example, see the parameter description here