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It seems like many openni packages have changed and most information you can find in the wiki is for old versions.

I managed to calibrate my kinect based on this page in the wiki with the following additions:

  • does not recognize the option --no-service-call, it should be --no-service-check. The command for calibrating the RGB camera in my case was:

    rosrun camera_calibration --size 10x7 --square 0.1 image:=/camera/rgb/image_mono camera:=/camera/rgb --no-service-check

  • saved camera calibration information in a /tmp/calibrationdata.tar.gz which contained the actual calibration data in a file named ost.txt in videre's ini format (see here) instead of a YAML file.

  • I renamed both files to depth.ini and rgb.ini and pointed rgb_camera_info_url and depth_camera_info_url to their location (see openni.launch within the package openni_launch)

  • Finally, I had to adjust the name of the camera inf both .ini files. I.e., I had to change narrow_stereo/left to depth_XXX, where XXX is the serial number of my kinect, and rgb_XXX, accordingly.

Good luck!