Calibrating in OpenNI_Kinect
Hi all, I was wondering if it was possible to calibrate the Kinect in the openni_camera package, and if there was a standard way to do this. I did stumble across the following link:
but noticed that this was associated with a deprecated package (and I was having issues getting that code to compile with the current version of libfreenect).
I also noticed in openni_camera/include several different parameter files that look like they have calibration information (e.g. calibration_rgb.yaml), but I noticed that the launch file openni_camera/openni_node.launch doesn't refer to any of them. In fact, when I removed those configuration files, everything still worked. Are these files even read by OpenNI_Camera? And if they aren't, where does OpenNI_Camera find its intrinsic parameters?
I apologise if I missed some other package out there. Thanks, Chris Tralie