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I do it like this: From terminal, I use an alias for each gripper, defined like this:

alias lgripper_close='rostopic pub -1 /l_gripper_controller/gripper_action/goal pr2_controllers_msgs/Pr2GripperCommandActionGoal '\''{header:{}, goal_id:{}, goal:{command : {position : 0.00, max_effort : 1000}}}'\'''
alias lgripper_close='rostopic pub -1 /l_gripper_controller/gripper_action/goal pr2_controllers_msgs/Pr2GripperCommandActionGoal '\''{header:{}, goal_id:{}, goal:{command : {position : 0.00, max_effort : 1000}}}'\'''

From C++ I just publish a proper pr2_controller_msgs/Pr2GripperCommandActionGoal message to the /?_gripper_controller/gripper_action/goal topic.

For feedback, I subscribe and check the messages from /?_gripper_controller/gripper_action/result. Specifically, I check the value of the reached_goal field. Hope that now on 2016 this still helps someone.

I do it like this: From terminal, I use an alias for each gripper, defined like this:

alias lgripper_close='rostopic pub -1 /l_gripper_controller/gripper_action/goal pr2_controllers_msgs/Pr2GripperCommandActionGoal '\''{header:{}, goal_id:{}, goal:{command : {position : 0.00, max_effort : 1000}}}'\'''
alias lgripper_close='rostopic pub -1 /l_gripper_controller/gripper_action/goal pr2_controllers_msgs/Pr2GripperCommandActionGoal '\''{header:{}, goal_id:{}, goal:{command : {position : 0.00, max_effort : 1000}}}'\'''

From C++ I just publish a proper pr2_controller_msgs/Pr2GripperCommandActionGoal message directly to the /?_gripper_controller/gripper_action/goal topic.

For feedback, I subscribe and check the messages from /?_gripper_controller/gripper_action/result. Specifically, I check the value of the reached_goal field. Hope that now on 2016 this still helps someone.