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(Adding an answer to summarize @gvdhoorn's response and some more recent context, to close this question out prior to the stack overflow migration)

Original response from @gvdhoorn:

No, I wouldn't call that bad practice. But without a real-time / deterministic OS, together with an RT capable/compatible RMW and RT capable/compatible controllers, it's likely this setup will -- with the current state of ros2_control -- introduce jitter and delays. Ideally however, the setup you describe is how it all could be done. And IIRC, is also one of the goals of ros2_control. It's just that right now, the state of things like ROS 2's executors and a bunch of other parts of the infrastructure make this infeasible.

Update: ros2_control has since added support for chained controllers, as documented here, although I'll admit I'm unaware of any potential performance ramifications.